Park Now > Park Now Archive > 2012 Last Quarter Archive
DEC. 31 2012 about take a look back at the year 2012
NOV. 23 2012 about Disney's Christmas Wishes
NOV. 09 2012 about Disney's Christmas Fantasy
OCT. 31 2012 about Happy Halloween!!
OCT. 13 2012 about Protect our Village Safety (sales) By Ourselves!
DEC. 31 2012 about take a look back at the year 2012
As the year 2012 rolls to the end, I'd like to review the articles of Park Now in 2012.
The year of Dragon
2012's zodiac is Dragon. This year is Mushu's year.
Go check JAN. 04 2012 about the year end and New Year
Here and there beautiful flowers in each parks and there were full-bloom cherry trees in spring-time.
Go check MAR. 23 2012 about Flower and Park.
April Fool
Only I can find about Disney on April Fool was this Google Maps. I will find more funny-things in next year.

Go check APR. 06 2012 about TDR on Google Maps.
The First Event Before Park Open
The Disney Walk 2012 was good however I think there is still room for improvement. I hope the event will take place again in next year.
It was interesting to see quiet park before the park open.
Go check APR. 14 2012 about Disney Walk 2012
Did you enjoy it?
Go check MAY. 21 2012 about Annular Solar Eclipse
Long Easter Holiday
TDL took a place Easter event from April to June. The below picture is my favorite expert course Egg Hunt Hidden place. Can you find it?
Go check MAY. 27 2012 about Easter Egg Hunt in April
Here are the another expert Egg Hunt in May.
Go check JUN. 02 2012 about Easter Egg Hunt in May
The last one from June Egg Hunt for expert.
Go check JUL. 01 2012 about Easter Egg Hunt in June
Toy Story Mania!
I had so looked forward to this attraction. The longest waiting time was 300 minutes on the opening day.
Go check JUL. 08 2012 Toy Story Mania! & JUL. 23 2012 about Toy Story Mania! Miscellaneous
Another New?(actually, refurbish) Attraction
The play time is very short, but I love it.
Go check AUG. 31 2012 about "Goofy's Paint 'n' Play House"
Have you ever heard "Silly Requiem"? I really love to hear to death.
Go check SEP. 07 2012 about Disney's Halloween
That's a quick peek of 2012.
In this year, 2012 is wonderful year for me. Some of rare viewers which was very rare gave me a warm feedback and I met and enjoyed conversation with some of them too. (I am very sorry my low communication skill at that time.) That's gives me a great power to keep this site. I really appreciate all of you who visited my site. You're my only hope.
Thank you very much.
I wish a Happy New Year!
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NOV. 23 2012 about Disney's Christmas Wishes
TDS Christmas Wishes the special holiday event has started on November 7. Today, I will show you the holiday atmosphere of TDS park.
The main banner of the Christmas Wishes. In this year, new holiday season limited show, "Color of Christmas" the harbor-wide nighttime spectacular has started. The banner's shining Christmas tree expressed the image of the night show.
These are Christmas topper of TDS. The Donald angel shape look like as a debut is interesting.
A romantic ceiling decoration welcoming us incandescently.
Let's walk around.
The show-window from “Emporio” the merchandise store in Mediterranian Harbor.
I love these amazing decoration in the shop. It's very beautiful.
Don't miss the holiday merchandise!
From Lost River Delta.
The mystic mist statue was also decorated.
From Port Discovery.
From Mermaid Lagoon. It's my favorite holiday decoration.
From American Waterfront.
There are gorgeous garland in the street.
Of course, the coin of the garland is Scrooge McDuck.
From Cape Cod area.
Still no beautiful Fire Engine. (Do you want to know about the Fire Engine at Cape Cod? If yes, please check the link.)
Now, many American and European Christmas things and custom are known to Japanese people, however there are several unrecognized things to them. The one of them is "Mistletoe".
Most people don't know or realize the Mistletoe the holiday big opportunity.
Anyway, Happy Holiday!!
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NOV. 09 2012 about Disney's Christmas Fantasy
A week after the Halloween, Disney's Christmas Fantasy the holiday event has started on 07 November. So, I'd like to share with you all Christmas atmosphere from two parks. Please enjoy the Happy early Holiday!
First, I'd like to escort you TDL.
Always this Mickey flowerbed is beautiful, but especially the holiday season's flowerbed is spectacular.
I remember these adorable father Christmas Micky and angel Minnie tree toppers are newcomer to the park decoration.
Speaking of decoration, let's find more holiday decoration in TDL park.
The picture from inside of "The Home Store" the merchandise store in World Bazaar. The main kitchen stove showcase with merrily decoration.
Don't you want to try special flavor churros? Now we can buy a chocolate churros with white chocolate powder the seasonal flavor at "Parkside Wagon". The window has a nice sticker decoration.
There are the pretty garlands and ornaments from shops in front of the Cinderella Castle. These shops sell some special holiday treats.
Here are some photos from each theme land.
From Adventureland.
From Westernland.
From Fantasyland. (You know, "Haunted Mansion" in TDL is located in Fantasyland.)
As you can see the coffin sleigh on the roof, now Sandy Claws has visited the mansion.
From Toontown.
Only one disappearing thing is about main photo location at the hub.
In this year 2012 photo place theme is Holiday treats factory with Disney friends. There are many mouthwatering cookies, whip cream and adorable characters. However they are too packed and many of them are stand on same level. Mickey & Minnie the front look is not so bad, however Pluto, Donald and Daisy the other sides are really messy, I can't see what's going on.
Therefore, here are tips for the great photo opportunity, Let's take a photo at show-window in World Bazaar.
The window from "World Bazaar Confectionery" the biggest sweets shop in TDL. Wonderful Candy cane stripes with happy holiday dresses Donald & Daisy. I think it's really neat.
And another my favorite show-window from "Disney & Co." the merchandise shop in World Bazaar. It's so Danaldish Christmas, isn't it?
Not only check the show-window but also enjoy your shopping inside the store!
I hope you will sense a TDL holiday atmosphere.
Disney's Christmas Fantasy photos coming soon!
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OCT. 31 2012 about Happy Halloween!!
The path of the Cinderella Castle in Tokyo Disneyland.
Kingdom Treasure the merchandise shop with Halloween decorations in Tokyo Disneyland.
Halloween season's Toontown in Tokyo Disneyland.
This is Disney's Halloween "Welcome to Spooky Vil. 2012" the Special Parade on 31 October the final day in Tokyo Disneyland.
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OCT. 13 2012 about Protect our Village Safety (sales) By Ourselves!
Cape Cod Village was once a calm and very peaceful fishing port. Before I start a report about the Cape Cod, let's hang around for a bit. You can feel nice sea breeze.
In this season, there are many Halloween decoration in the village and they are a delight for tourists to watch.
Lucky me! I got a chance to visit the inside of "Grand Banks Cannery" at Cape Cod.
Let's get back on the track. Here are the main report from the village.
In recently the village are not always stable enough. For, it seemed like that the village have been in financial distress since this late summer.
There is a instead of a valuable fire engine at a fire department entrance.
The Below photo was taken in this spring. There are beautiful fire engine.
However, the historical legacy was gone.
I think there is a deep municipal budget cuts on the fire department.
The fire department of Cape Cod has a long history as the village does.
The history of Cape Codde from the town hall.
"Two British ships reached land within moments of each other in the year 1680. The first was commanded by Captain Elias Winthrop, who immediately proclaimed this settlement the town of Winthrop. The second ship, under command of Captain Joshua Bedford, declared this new territory Bedford Grove. When neither could prevail upon the other to relinquish the land or its name, it was decided that a new name, acceptable to both, must be chosen. Many names were put forth but, for one reason or another, soundly rejected. Finally, an exasperated woman in the crowd, who noticed the predominance of codfish in the water, shouted out, “Please, sirs, we are all very hungry. Why not call this place Cape Codde Village and be done with it?"
And so they did, and so it was and so it remains. Over the years, Cape Codde Village has endured harash winters, heavy storms, and devastating fires, but our townspeople are nothing if not resilient. We are proud of our "Yankee know-how" and our "never say die" attitude. We pride ourselves on remaining a small township, and we are deservedly famous for our fishing traditions, our annual Fourth of July Cape Codde Cookoff, our stoic merchants and our unique handicrafts. Though we benefit preserve our way of life. Which is why we are fond of saying, "Come again when you can't stay so long. Rebecca Peabody, Historian"
And here are some historic material from the inside of the Cape Cod Fire Department.
"American Insurance fire marks date back to 1752. They were introduced to indicate insured buildings to the old volunteer fire companies but were discontinued for this purpose after 1870. When the present system of paid municipal fire departments was inaugurated."
I wonder where it went to. Poor villagers in Cape Cod, I only think of the good old days in this village...
I hope that the faith and hope of the village forever.
More story about the place of the fire department entrance, please check also the topic of "Park Now MAY. 06, 2012".
Grand Banks Cannery is the inside and outside queue line area of "DisneySea Transit Steamer Line" at Cape Cod.
The new wagon sell "Happy Duffy" (It's like a flavored cream stuffed soft cookie. This season's flavored is Chestnut.), it's 420 JPY.
The third Disnyana in Japan will take place in February 2013. Therefore the beautiful fire engine might be sold at the auction.
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