Amazing Halloween Costume > 2018 Part 04
Amazing Halloween Costume 2018 at TDL
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Amazing Halloween Costume 2018 at TDS
Part 1
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Please do not use cosplay pictures on other websites.
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If you find any copies of the uranezu cosplay pictures in any other places being used on a web site, printed or sold without my permission, please inform me as soon as possible, for there is a possibility of an infringement of copyright. It is also helpful if the URL(if there is one) or the place they are being printed or sold is indicated, so that it is possible to warn or to take legal actions against the person involved.
For many cosplayers gave their pictures to, please understanding and support this.
Amazing Halloween Costume 2018 Part 4
Can You Believe This Party?!
Have you ever seen such a cutest motor show? They assembled a parts of elegant and characteristic well-mixed, so each car was tuned sophisticatedly. The eight slick and shiny cars gathered at once feel completely overwhelmed. They are so fabulous indeed.
(Did you know they are same as Heimlich & Flik in 2017?)
"Fillmore, Strip Weathers, Luigi, Lightning McQueen, Tow Mater, Ramone, Flo and Sarge" from "Cars" series.
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They'll Be In My Site!
I was lucky that I could take a picture of them at great location. A cute father and lovely daughter showed me not only the sketch of research with her beautifully sketch, but also introduced a handsome hunter. I really loves their perfect appearances with their lively expressions.
"Archimedes Q. Porter", "Jane Porter" and "Clayton" from "Tarzan".
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We Meet The World With Her Costume!
I really overjoy when she appeared with this wonderful costume. Whenever I see this enchanting appearance, it take me to a history journey of Japan. It's so glad that young generation like her keep spread the attraction's charm through the admirable costume in TDL Halloween.
(Did you know she is same as pirate in Part.3?)
"Crane" from "Meet The World".
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Let's Find Out!
I always great welcome a character from classic film. Three cute magical aunts and one lovely incognito princess are modestly volume of a unit in TDL Halloween. An ambiance around them was elegant but something still which was like in a deep forest. I love their perfect ambiance for their world.
"Flora", "Briar Rose", "Fauna" and "Merryweather" from "Sleeping Beauty".
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I Know You Know that I Ask A Photo!
I was happy that I could met a characters who enhanced the Halloween air of the park. And more amusingly, they dressed as a very minor character. Their mysterious appearances with the beautiful dark robes were really stand out in a park crowd.
"Fates" from "Hercules".
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In The Golden Smiles!
I was so happy that I could find this cute flowers which is one of my favorite scene. I love their modest and modern dress with a beautiful characteristic bonnet. And a chic pochette boost their elegance. I admired that they have a good taste in a fashion and the needlework skill.
"Dandy Lion" and "Tiger Lilly" from "Alice In Wonderland".
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A Special Exhibition!
I'd like to see this magnificent paint, especially you who miss the Sinister 11 the portraits at hallway at WDW Mansion. This is one and only opportunity to see her under the shiny sun light. I astonished her beautiful snake hair and the elegant dress, and easy-to-assemble frame.
"Medusa the Sinister 11" from "Haunted Mansion".
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It's A World of Love!
No need any supplemental complimentary remarks. Please enjoy their fanciful landmark frocks of Fantasyland. They told me that they've brushed up their costumes until the very last minute. I heartily approve of their passion and skill for these amazing creations.
"The Exteriors" from "It's A Small World".
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What A Dog!
I could meet this handsome gentaledog, cute pup, and…and yes! A diva from canine world! This is my first time to see Peggie in TDL Halloween. Their attires are perfect match for the each character. It's so fantastic trio which I love so much.
"Tramp", "Lady" and "Peg" from "Lady & the Tramp".
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(His Costume Lift Us) Up!
I like his costume color which is really beautiful, I can imagine that to find the same color materials are not easy. It's really fantastic that we could see he dressed as "Up", although he didn't disguise any character. It's really unique costume.

And his house is also full of ideas. He used a bias tape to express a board material of his house exterior, I don't know the bias tape is actually, but it's so wonderful imagination and looks so amazing.
(Did you know he is same as Magic Mirror in 2017?)
"Carl Fredricksen" from "Up".
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Til They Reach TDL Halloween End!
I love their young age combination. It's really nice idea. This cute duo made an atmosphere around us so fun and bright. Their buoyant character perfect match for this hero and heroine in childhood.
"Young Judy" and "Young Nick" from "Zootopia".
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Hey, They're Back, Isn't It Great?!
A cute little girl and a stylish tall man's presence turned a park into a game arcade. I was so impressed that they told me that they select the characters which have height gap combination. That's why, their consideration made their world so unique and perfect. This duo entertain us, always.
(Did you know they are same as Fear & Disgust in 2015?)
"Moppet Girl" and "Stan Litwak the owner of Litwak's Arcade" from "Wreck It Ralph".
Now at Work for Amazing Halloween Costume 2018 Part 5
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Please do not use uranezu pictures on other websites without our permission.
Please do not use cosplay pictures on other websites.
All of the cosplayers of this site gave me a permission to use only on my website "". Thank you for your understanding.
If you find any copies of the uranezu cosplay pictures in any other places being used on a web site, printed or sold without my permission, please inform me as soon as possible, for there is a possibility of an infringement of copyright. It is also helpful if the URL(if there is one) or the place they are being printed or sold is indicated, so that it is possible to warn or to take legal actions against the person involved.
For many cosplayers gave their pictures to, please understanding and support this.